Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Keeping a Journal

Many nights I find myself sitting down and reflecting about my life. I have so many thoughts about everything, but some things are more dominant than others, of course. Starting with this past fall I started keeping a journal. I don't like to call it a diary, becasue that sounds too childish/immature. The words I write on the pages of my journal are deep. It's not like, "Omg I did this or I saw this person today". It's more like my feelings on situations and my feelings about how my life is going or anything that is inspirational to me. Certainly, certain encounters or situations will affect what I write, but I don't just tell the story, I read into it. You would be amazed at how much I can write on one thing. I've written like 4 pages on one topic, I guess because I have a lot of feelings about it. I just keep writing, it's almost as if my brain is controlling my pen. There have been times that I want to stop writing, but can't becasue I'm not done expressing myself yet. When I go back and read over some older pages, I'm like woah did I really write that? I surprise myself on how deep I get with my feelings; it's crazy. I find writing my feelings down somewhat of a cleansing process; it releases stress and emotions that I don't want to keep locked up. I suggest keeping a journal to anyone, it's a good experience.

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