Monday, March 23, 2009

24 Questions

1. I've come to realize that my last kiss... something i wish I could go back to

2. I talk... so much, like when I'm not talking there's a problem

3. I love... inspiration

4. My best friends... are the world and I fear losing them

5. My mother... taught me right

6. My job... is fun b/c of the people

7. My first real relationship... was only 2 months long and I ended it

8. Love is... something that takes a lot of work

9. Marriage is... hopefully in my future

10. Somewhere, someone is thinking... about the blue sky

11. I'll always know that... I am loved

12. I'll never... go a day w/o smiling

13. The last time I really cried was... at a memorial service for a kid i barely knew, but death gets me every time

14. My cell phone is... purple!!!

15. When I wake up in the morning... i first go to my computer

16. Before I go to bed... i sometimes read, write, talk to my roommate or think to myself

17. Right now I am thinking about... everything people are telling me not which would be my last relationship

18. Babies are... cute but annoying

19. I get on the Internet... way to much

20. Today I... did my taxes and went to a bday party

21. Tomorrow I will be... in classes....

22. I really want to be... in a relationship

23. If I could go back in time... i always say i wouldn't change anything but sometimes it's so tempting

24. Someone that will most likely reply is... prob no one aahha

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